As part of my journey to start to reduce unneeded chemicals in our lives I decided to have a go at making my own deodorant. While my cancer was not breast cancer, now that I have had cancer, I am more susceptible to getting cancer again and I figured the less chemicals near my lymph nodes and breasts the better, plus it is more cost effective. I came across this blog and recipe about a year ago, added it to my favorites, determined do make it. I just recently made it for the first time. :) Nothing like procrastinating. I did switch to using store bought natural deodorant a long time ago but making my own felt like the natural next step. Now that I have made it, I really wish I had done it sooner. It was soooo easy!! At the bottom of the post you can read my assessment and tweaks I might make next time.
2 heaping tablespoons beeswax pellets
1 tbsp shea butter
5 tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder (for sensitive skin)
1/4 cup aluminum free baking soda
10-15 drops lavender oil
10-15 drops tea tree oil
10-15 drops of other essential oil of your choice (I chose Ylang Ylang because it is supposed to help with fibromyalgia
3-4 new or used (cleaned out) deodorant tubes twisted all the way back down. When I did this, it made 3 regular sized and two travel sized.
I got the beeswax pellets at our local craft store but you can get them on Amazon,
Mountain Rose Herbs, or
Aromatics International. The shea butter I got off of Amazon but you can also get it at Aromatics International or Mountain Rose Herbs, probably at your local health food store as well. The aluminum free baking soda I got at our local health food store
Down To Earth but you can also order it from Mountain Rose Herbs. For the essential oils, you can choose which brand you want. Since it is being applied / rubbed into the skin, I suggest a higher quality brand. I recommend doTerra, Native American Nutritionals, Young Living or Mountain Rose Herbs. For the deodorant tubes, you can get them on Amazon, possibly your local health food store or local craft store. For me where we live, it was actually more cost effective for me to buy the cheapest deodorant at the grocery store (93 cents each), and cleaned them out.
1. Melt beeswax in a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler you can put them in a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water.
2. Add shea butter and coconut oil and heat until just melted, stirring occasionally.
3. Remove from heat and add cornstarch and baking soda. Stir until smooth.
4. Add essential oils and mix well
5. Pour into old deodorant tubes and let sit a few hours before adding the tops. You will want to fill them until they seem to almost overflow because they will fall down a good bit once cooled. You can see from my picture, my tube was a tad lumpy, I stirred it up better before pouring the rest.
So there you have it, a quick and easy way to make your own deodorant! I am excited to have finally done this!
After using it for a little while, here is my assessment.
Does it work?
Yes, it works. :) I do not have to apply it any more often than I did the store bought natural deodorant. I apply it 2 -3 times a day but again I did that with the store bought stuff. I sweat a lot. I work out hard almost everyday, soaking through my work out clothes, I am in menopause so have periodic hot flashes causing me to perspire, and I just naturally sweat a lot. So 2-3 times a day may sound like a lot for you but for me it is normal. I hiked Diamond Head just this weekend with the family and had no complaints. :)
Would you make it again and if so what changes would you make?
Absolutely I would make it again. The only complaint I had was that it did not set up quite as well as I would have liked, my guess is because we live in the tropics. Not much stays in a solidified state in my pantry because of the warmth. So I think once it is time for me to make it again I will probably add a little more beeswax, maybe 3 heaping tablespoons rather than 2 to see if it sets up a little better. I will update this when I do. It still works fine. I keep it in our bedroom where we keep the A/C on and I smear it on with my fingers rather than rubbing the bar on it.