
Friday, August 7, 2015

Crochet Awareness ribbons

Here are some crochet awareness ribbon items I have crocheted over the last couple years.
First are some leukemia awareness items I crocheted to help raise money for the medical bills of our chapel youth leader's wife.  I am still making them, so if you want to buy one check out my Etsy Shop or Facebook page at Arctic Lily's Loops

Crochet leukemia awareness ribbon headband with orange trim.
Crochet leukemia awareness ribbon headband
Crochet leukemia awareness ribbon thin headband

Crochet leukemia awareness ribbon butterfly ornament 4"
Crochet leukemia awareness ribbon with angel wings ornament, 3"

Here is a breast cancer awareness ribbon headband I made for a friend.
Crochet breast cancer awareness ribbon headband. Hot pink background with bubblegum pink trim.
Here are some I have done for cervical/ovarian cancer. The first one is a simple one I did for walking in an American Cancer Society Relay For Life walk. The background is purple for the American Cancer Society and the teal is for cervical/ovarian cancer.
Crochet cervical cancer awareness ribbon thin headband.
Here is one I did for a fellow Teal sister.
Crochet cervical cancer awareness ribbon headband
This just shows the different shades of teal yarn I can do the ribbons in.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Focus Amidst the Chaos

When I saw this picture I thought it fit this post perfectly.
Isn't this what life seems like sometimes? 

      I so needed my devotional reading this morning. Usually when I do not have a specific Bible Study that I am doing I follow the daily readings laid out in The Word Among Us. It is a Catholic devotional magazine based on the daily mass readings. No I am not Catholic but I picked it up one day in a waiting room a few years ago in Alaska and liked it. I like how it has an Old Testament reading for the day and a New Testament reading and most of the time like the daily meditation. God has really used it to prompt me to dive in deeper on multiple occasions.

      Anyways, today the New Testament reading was Matthew 14:22-36, about Jesus walking on water to his disciples' boat during high winds and waves.  

 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Matthew 14:28-30

     Then when discussing this passage the devotional says "As Peter looked at Jesus, the storm seemed to fade away. All that mattered was that Jesus was there, defying the laws of gravity and banishing fear. In that moment, Peter's heart was lifted above the waves, and he stepped out of the boat. Jesus became the source of his confidence and security, not the boat. Even when he turned from Jesus' gaze and began to sink, he called to Jesus for help, and he was saved."

     Again, I really needed that today. We have a lot going on in our life right now, some of it circumstances that like the waves we cannot control. It is so easy to lose our focus and look down, taking our eyes off of Jesus. However that is when we start to sink. If we keep our eyes on Jesus those circumstances tend to fade out and get blurry, we rise above our circumstances with renewed faith, and ability to keep moving forward even through the storm. When we do start to sink He is there to pull us back to Him when we call out to Him.  When I read this passage this morning I felt like Jesus was reaching out His hand to me, calling me to keep my gaze on Him and stay above the craziness going on in our lives right now. I felt like He was reminding me where my focus needs to be and reminding me of His power.

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:14